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Evreinoff. Histoire du Theatre Russe; Paris, 1947.

Emile Magne. Gautie Garguille, comedien de I'hdtel de Bourgogne;

Paris, 1911.

Leon Mouissinac. Traite de la Mise en Scene; Paris. 1948. Stanislawski. Ma vie dans l'art; Paris, 1950.



John H. Bird. Cinema Parade 50 Years of Film Show; London, 1948.

Rachael Low et Roger Manvell. The History of the British Film, том I (1896 — 1906); London, 1948.

Rachael Low. The History of the British Film, том II (1906—1914); London, 1949.

Rachael Low. The History of the British Film, том III (1914-1918); London, 1951.

Georges Sadoul. British Creators of Film Technique; London, 1948.

British Film Year Book; 1947-1949.

The Cinema, its present position and future possibilities (доклад National Council of Public Moral), London, 1917.

John Buchan. A History of English Literature; London, 1931.

Венгрия Cinema Ungherese ieri e oggi; Roma, 1950.

Германи я

Ch. Robert Dumas. Les dessous du Cinema Allemand; Limoges, 1934.

Oskar Kalbus. Vom Werden deutscher Filmkunst, том I, Der Stumme Film, Altona—Bahrenfeld, 1935.

Siegfried Kracauer. From Caligari to Hitler; London, 1947.

Oskar Messter. Mein Weg mit dem Film; Berlin, 1936.

Wollenberg. Fifty Years of German Film; London, 1948.

Theodore Huff. An Index to the Films of Ernst Lubitsch; London, 1947.

Theodore Huff. An Index to the FHmes of F. W. Murnau; London, 1948.

Herman G. Weinberg. An Index to the Creative Work of Fritz Lang; London, 1946.

K. F. FIdgel. Geschichte des grotesken Komischen; 1914. (Глава, посвященная комическому в кино).

Victor Cambon. Les derniers Progres de l'Allemagne; Paris, 1917.


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